Last Sunday Hallie came out of Primary crying that she was so tired and wanted to go home. Matt and I chalked it up to being tired from our busy 4th of July weekend but decided to take her home for a nap.We put both girls down for a nap and Matt packed for his business trip. Shortly after Matt left to catch his flight Hallie woke up and said she didn't feel well just before she threw up. We made her a bed on the floor and for the next 7 hours whatever she ate came back up. Im not going to lie not feeling well myself I was a little overwhelmed with the thought of taking on a sick kid. Luckily Gracie was perfectly cooperative and took a great nap, woke up, had dinner, and went back to bed so I really just had to worry about Hallie. So Monday we stayed home and took it easy. Hallie didn't throw up again but still wasn't quite herself she played games on my phone and watched movies most of the day. By Monday night Hallie was finally getting her appetite back and asked for pasta and sauce so thats what we had. Gracie was so funny she had 2 helpings they attempted to drink her alfredo sauce out of the bowl.

Friday Tiff and Ris had come from Id to spend sometime with the rest of the family and everyone decided to go to the zoo. We got there just in time to eat lunch with everyone before going to explore the zoo. The animals were pretty lazy and sleeping....I always think they are more fun when they are more active. The weather was great and overcast for most of the day but when the sun came out if was HOT!
Hallie loved holding hands(mostly with Kaylee) but was excited to see her cousins.
My sweet can you not love this sweet face
After the zoo we headed back to Brits to BBQ and play in the water. Us girl mostly sat in the shade and tried to keep cool. Matt joined us a few minutes after we started eating and helped do some siding on Nick & Brit's shed.
Livy was so sad when the big kids got on and she couldn't keep her balance to jump with them so I got on and helped her jump. I always remember my parents doing that with us when we were little and how fun it was.
I didn't even make it to the freeway before these 2 were asleep we had a busy but fun day with family.
Saturday early Matt got up and headed to Tremonton to put grandma's deck in. The girls and I slept in then got up and headed to join him. The girls had a great time with grandma and she was great to share her treats with them. Matt and Chris worked on the deck while the rest of us played.
The tire swings are always a big hit and Saturday was no exception.
Saturday evening it rained hard so Matt had to take a break from the deck. As we were sitting visiting and Gracie threw up twice then she acted fine. She threw up a few more times before we decided to head home. Once we got home we got the girls bathed and ready for bed and they both slept all night. Sunday morning about 9:30 Gracie started crying really hard and I went in to find her covered in throw up so we kept her home from church and took it easy. By Sunday afternoon she was once again her old self so we decided to walk to the nearby park and watch the fireworks that Weber puts on. We took glow sticks, popcorn, a blanket, and our camp chairs. Since we didn't make it to the fireworks over the 4th both of the kids were very excited.
The fireworks were a lot shorter than I remembered but the girls had a great time running around with other kids and playing with their glow sticks. Gracie was full of "ooh & aah's" for every firework.
Once we got home and settled for bed Gracie's diarrhea started and continued through Monday with a slight fever. So once again we took it easy on Monday. Gracie slept quite a bit on Monday so I started refinishing some furniture and when Matt got home that night he built me some storage in the garage for the girls clothing totes. Now I have a closet with much more space. I love how handy Matt is.

Tuesday morning we got up and ready for swim lessons and I didn't feel very good. But the kids were excited about going swimming. Gracie and I are doing a mommy and me class and Hallie is doing level 1 at Weber. When we got home form swim lessons we found Matt had come home sick from work. Hallie and I mowed the lawn and put a couple more coats of paint on the furniture while Matt and Grace slept. By the time they woke up I was really feeling yucky. Matt and I spent the rest of our day on the couch making trips to the bathroom and throwing up. The kids did pretty well entertaining themselves but being sick with kids is really hard. I was thrilled when nap time and bed time came. Matt and I finally got our tummy's settled about midnight and headed to bed. Its much better today but certainly not 100%. I hate being sick and we have had our share of it lately. I feel like every time there is something to catch I get it, probably mostly because of my U.C. So here's to hoping for a healthier rest of the year.