Our first day of fall break was great at Gardner Village but it was the beginning of a very exhausting weekend with lots more bumps than anyone expected although we were still together and did get some cuddle time in. Both families were in town and we didn't our best to split our time and still have time for just our little family. I was supposed to work both Saturday and Sunday.

Friday morning while doing Hallie's hair I found 2 bugs that I immediately had a sinking feeling were lice. I called and emailed a picture to the pediatrician and sure enough thats what they were. I was pissed, discussed, and completely panicked. I called Matt and he said he would come home to help as soon as he could. We ran down to Smiths and bought all the stuff to disinfect all of us. Once home we stripped every item in the house that could be washed. I started the laundry and stripped the girls down one at a time to do their hair and comb it out. It was like one of my worst nightmares coming true. I hate when there are bugs in my house that I can't see and the feeling was all to familiar from when we had cockroaches in the condo.

That afternoon I called Matt in tears asking for him to come home to help me and shortly after he came to my rescue. He helped me get the other 2 girls hair washed and brushed through, laundry rotated, and the house vacuumed before he had to go back to another meeting. A couple hours later I picked up our babysitter and headed to Ogden to get pedicures for the Brower girls weekend. It was a nice break and the first time all day that my skin wasn't crawling.
After pedicures as we were leaving I backed into a lady's car who was parked in the middle of the road waiting for a parking spot. I didn't even see her. Luckily no one was hurt and Matt wasn't far away. We exchanged info and went on our way. I called him and he wasn't even mad just glad I was ok. I really don't understand what I did to be so blessed with this amazing man in my life that loves me so much...even when Im crazy. Then we headed over to dinner

After dinner we headed home for more laundry and to get the kids to bed. I had Matt treat my hair and make sure it was clear..luckily it was. In total Hallie was the only one that had any "bugs" and we only found 2. I hope I never have to deal with the nasty things ever again. Saturday I got called off work which was such a blessing. We got a ton done around the house. Ended up with a total of 17 loads of laundry and 6 leaf bags full of stuff we couldn't or didn't need for a couple weeks in the garage. We played with the girls and had a few puppet shows. One the way to meet my parents and pick up a gift for Hallie's Christmas we saw about 11 deer on the side of the road grazing in a residential yard. I love where we live
My Mom, Dad, and Maddi spent most of their morning in Logan watching Utah State volleyball since they stayed with Nic we didn't see them until dinner. We met up to eat before going to the Weber State Volleyball game.
We stayed thru 3 of the 4 games before Em got to restless to even function
Luckily we got to see Waldo and once again most of them liked him
I chased her around and we had a dance party on time outs
Em finally warmed up a little and gave him five
It was so fun. I think we will try and go to the game again. Sunday morning I went to work and then we headed to Brit's for one more family dinner before Tiff headed home. It was a crazy busy weekend but we were glad to see both sides of the family. I'm ready for a nap