We were really disappointed when we found out the had cancelled the parade and fair. I was thrilled when I saw that they were still going to make accommodations to do the rodeo and really wanted to go. We started our evening celebrating Kerry's birthday with dinner before we headed over to meet our friends(Amy & Perry) at the rodeo. They did assigned seating and I actually thought it worked out better because we didn't have to be there hours before it started. We had plenty of space so that was nice. Originally they said that masks were required to attend but then when we got there not really anyone was wearing one. It was so nice to do something that felt normal. Matt and I have been coming to the fair/parade/rodeo as long as I can remember. Amy and Perry had bought their tickets last minute so we weren't together but after the first hour no one showed up by us so they came down and sat by us. They threw out frisbees early on and Liam thought they were a pretty cool toy and it kept him busy on and off the entire night. His personality is shining through more and more all the time.

We let Hallie bring Paige with us. She has been working really hard and letting Paige tag along with us has been a big motivator for her. We don't mind having her along she's good company.
The seats we bought we in a really good spot. Liam played on the fencing next to us and it was easier to keep him contained.
The kids really enjoyed watching the lasso girls and after their performance at intermission they came around to visit with the spectators.
I love the patriotisms that is at rodeos. I always feel so grateful for the men and women who serve this country.
Liam's faces are my favorite. He loved all the horses, tractors, and other various animals
I love the look of pure joy on his face
Andrew sat with us for most of the rodeo. Emy loved having a friend.
Cute best friends
Gracie loved her headband/mask they gave everyone at the gate
After the main event came the motocross riders. The kids were loving it until one of the riders crashed and had to be taken to the hospital when he was hurt pretty badly.
We had a great and late night doing something that felt normal for us. The kids faces lighting up throughout the events made it all worth it. I love traditions that made me happy as a kid that now make my kids happy. It's fun to show the kids things you enjoyed growing up and still enjoy. Until next year