Friday, October 4, 2019

Liam 10 Months

Oh my gosh! When I saw him standing up to the couch I wanted to knock him down. How is this happening? How is he growing so fast? And isn't he so dang cute?! He is doing great eating table food and still loves bottles but only when it's his idea.
While packing the garage we were looking for a way to contain him and this little pool was just what we needed. He loved playing with the pipes and eating snacks in his own little play space.

This little guy is getting teeth so much faster than his sisters. He currently has 5-6 that we can see but he isn't really cooperative in letting us see them either.

He has really started liking playing with the girls and likes playing with pretty much everything that isn't an actual toy. Like this balloon with confetti in it. Endless hours of enjoyment and he has also figured out how to stand up to the french doors and watch out. 
His cute little blonde hair is filling in. He is really loving touch and feel books and we have found some that are easily wipe able. 
We sure love this little buddy and all the joy he brings into our family.

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