Thursday, November 25, 2021

Norr Thanksgiving

 We were so excited about hosting Thanksgiving this year. Everyone arrived Wednesday afternoon/evening and we got everyone settled in. This house is so perfect for hosting. All the married couples got their own room and bathroom while we put Nate and Maddi in the bunkroom with a couple of the nieces and nephews. We used our cots to put the younger ones in with their parents and it was great. We did some prepping Wed night but mostly just had dinner and got everyone ready for bed. I did all the grocery shopping since everyone was traveling and this year my parents graciously paid for all the food. Thursday morning we all got up excited to get the day started. The kids that were up early headed to the gym while the rest slept in. The house is set up so great to allow people to still be entertained while others are resting. Liam was the quality controller for the cheese.

The weather was beautiful and I was once again so happy we finished the yard. Most of the kids spent hours playing in the sand and on the playground.
But when it was chilly outside there was plenty to do inside as well.

Once the whipped cream came out the line grew. Nic was everyone's favorite.

While we made the food the kids built a restaurant in the foam pit
The it was the time we had worked so hard eat
If you notice in the pictures below you'll see the purple trays. Most would use those for a veggie tray but we used them for our plates. Kim had this idea and we all kinda laughed it off until we really thought about it and decided it was brilliant. We washed them after we ate and used them again for our desserts. I think they will make an appearance every year now.

After lunch we all cleaned up the kitchen and did dishes which was so nice to have it done and out of the way and to not have to do it alone. Then we all took a break and then decided it was time to get "Christmas" going. We wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas while we were together so we started putting up all the Christmas decor. The number one part of that is of coarse the tree. It was a bigger undertaking than we anticipated and I was so glad I had a lot of help. The lights I had put on last year weren't working and it was so frustrating. While they restrung lights I tried to fix the ones that weren't working and at one point even went outside and took some off the trees outside so we had enough to finish.
The kids were all a great help to get the decor put on the trees and it was a real group effort. Then it was time for Christmas Eve fun. PJs for all after baths but before bed.
Matching plaid for our family

All these cute cousins can't wait to add another one in March when Nic and Kyle welcome a little boy

Liam was fascinated with the tree. He was really gentle but also wanted to touch and see everything. I loved watching him and it really brought the spirit of Christmas for me.

After we got the kids to bed each of us took a recipe and put together a Christmas morning casserole. It made quick work of something that would have taken me a while. I love my family and how they all jump in to help even though everyone was so tired form the day...they're the best. And while we finished this what you can't see is the other crew doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen.

That night I went to bed feeling exhausted but also on cloud nine. I have waited to host a party my family and it has come together so well. I hope everyone is also having such a great time. It has been so nice for the kids to have a space to play and for the adults to still be able to visit or watch a movie. Now off to bed for tomorrow morning is "Christmas."

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