Sunday, June 1, 2014

A fun family weekend that included the farm

Since my sisters and I have all made trips to Vegas in the last couple months it has been a while since my parents made it to Utah so we were thrilled when they announced they would be coming this past weekend. They got here in good time Friday so we met at Nic & Kyle's house for dinner. We were missing Kim & Ez due to work commitments and Matt since he had class all night. We missed them but still had a great time. The weather was perfect so we hung out, ate, and visited outside most of the evening. The kids played while we visited and played some volleyball. On the way home Maddi, the girls, and I stopped to grab ice cream and a movie before heading for home. Maddi had asked awhile ago when she came of she could stay with us. We love having Maddi come stay with us and as you can see she is a welcome addition to our family. The girls wanted to be where she was ll the time and of coarse when one of them wanted to cuddle both of them did. We ate our ice cream but didn't last through the movie it was late and we were all tired so we called it a night.
 Saturday we got up, ready, and headed to Tremonton and Deweyville to visit graves. I enjoy hearing the stories as we go around to the different graves that I otherwise wouldn't hear.

 After the cemetery we headed to Brad and Sue's for Sue's 50th surprise birthday party. This time the only one we were missing was Matt once again due to school but this is the last weekend for at least a couple weeks. We enjoyed playing outside on the swings and trampoline while we ate and caught of with life long friends. It was fun that we could all be together and just enjoying the company. 

 Then there were the kitties. The kids all loved the kitties. By the time we left Hallie had named hers and asked if when Matt died if we could have one...since he is severely allergic and we wont be getting one anytime soon.
 This little black kitty was Rig's friend he never let him out of his site...even when the kity tried to run
 After our belly's were full the girls, Maddi, and I headed back to Tremonton to visit Matt's mom and to take her a few things. The rest of the crew worked on getting into Nic and Ky's truck since they had locked their keys in. It was nice to see her and get to catch up a little before we headed to Idaho. We swung by the Harris's to pick up Brooklyn before we hit the road. It took us about an hour to get there but the drive was beautiful. I felt a little like driving Ms. Daisy sitting in the front by myself with the girls in the 2nd row and Maddi and Brooke in the back but it was peaceful. Both girls slept most of the way and the beautiful drive helped me to clear my head and think about life. I think moments like this are great for me time to myself to think and reorganize my priorities. The girls we so excited when we got there and could hardly wait to get out of the car to see Grandma and Papa as well as all their cousins. Kimber put Gracie on the tire for a picture and all she would do is laugh...I'm not sure what was so funny but it was really cute.
 After filling up the tires in the four wheelers we are all ready to go for a ride.  On the back of one of the 4 wheelers was a metal box about 3x2 where we could fit quite a few kids and they were easier to keep track of.

 This is how we roll. Kyle compared us to a scooter in

Our girls have such a great relationship with their grandma harris such a precious picture
After a good long ride we decided to "explore" around the farm. Hallie wasted no time thinking this flat bed trailer was a stage, Gracie was content to run from one end to the other, and Luke well he just tried to give Kim a heart attack and jump off any chance he got.
 Our little performer
 Then we went for some more rides. While Hallie was on a ride with the other kids Gracie and I took a little ride with just us. She had a ball. She giggled and squealed most of the way.
And this my friends is the best of the best...a cousin selfie!!!! Seriously the cutest!!!!
 And the silly pose
 My parents are so cute and still very much in love after 32 years
The Hallie sandwich she had a great time but likes the 4-wheeler better the motorcycle makes her nervous
 The views were AMAZING!!!! The weather was perfect sometimes a little on the cool side
 Love my sisters and their little families we have so much fun together
 Silly Hallie wanted to use her licorice as her teeth this girl definitely keeps us laughing
 The girls and I took a long ride just us. I let Hallie drive a little it brought back a lot of memories of my dad letting us drive when we were little. I love making memories with these girls I hope they remember them and it helps us build a close and lasting relationship.
After a couple good hours of playing at the farm and with the sun setting we loaded up and headed back to Logan for dinner at a family favorite chinese restaurant. Before heading home for the night.
This past week I have been potty training Grace. Today was day 5(the whole story to come soon). For the most part we have stayed home minus a few dr trips and taking Hallie to dance so I was a little anxious about how she would do but she did fantastic. Kimber suggested bringing her potty along so when she had to go I could take her no matter where we were. It worked great and she did great she even asked to go a couple times without me reminding her.
We sure missed our daddy but we had so much fun. So many memories visited on this trip it brings such happiness to my heart and reminds me of all the wonderful things we did growing up. By the time we got home we were all exhausted and ready for a bath and our comfy beds. Another great day of memories made.

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