Friday, May 20, 2016

Baking Gracie

I have found that I really enjoy baking with my kids. Gracie is at an age that she loves to bake/cook. She has become really good at it. At least once a week I try to have the kids do most of the prep/cooking/baking/clean up. They are getting to the point they need less and less direction. Im always impressed at how quickly kids pick up on new skills. And its giving me the opportunity to gain patience and realize that there is more than one way to do thing. Ez once told me there are 2 kinds of people. There are teachers and taskers. I think I am a natural born tasker. Meaning I like to check things off my list and its hard for me to slow down and teach someone or let someone help me. I feel that being like this I miss opportunities with my kids and I am working hard to change this. 

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