Saturday, November 23, 2019

6264 E Summit Cove-Clearing Trees

After getting a quote for $13000 to clear the trees I convinced Matt to buy a chainsaw and for us to try and get some of the work done on our own. Lucky for me he was on board. So Saturday morning he ran to Home Depot and I got the kids ready. This was totally what I had been looking forward to. Getting involved in starting our next dream. Gracie was so cute as we started she said, "Now the dream begins." The kids were all very helpful in their own ways. They all took turn chasing Liam around in his walker all bundled up.
This is what we started with

This was about half way thru. Liam got tired so I took all the kids home to put him down and get everyone fed. After I got him to sleep I left Gracie with him and Hallie and Emy came back with me to the lot. We cleared several more trees while Gracie watched a sleeping Liam. This was really the first time I had realized how convenient it was going to be being so close to the condo.

The girls were seriously so much help. Matt would cut the branches down and they drug branches to the pile and I would throw them in. We had an awesome little system going. This is what I want building this house to be a team effort for our family home.

Look at that pile of branches. We loaded all we could into Matt's truck but we probably would need 4-5 more trucks to get it all. If we can get it done before the snow comes we may rent a chipper and a trailer and mulch the rest of them.

Removing quite a few of the trees opened up the view a ton it was crazy and super exciting.
We got just over half way on the Box Elder trees and we're unsure if we can handle doing the choke cherry bushes since they are so dense and thorny. We don't want to get any one hurt so we will just have to start and see how it goes but it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed working together and seeing the progress.

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