Saturday, January 18, 2020

Love For Liam

I knew shortly after Liam's diagnosis that I wanted us and our families to do something to help Matt and I feel their support even when we couldn't be together. I was looking through amazon one night at neuroblastoma items and saw these shirts and knew I wanted to get them. I was a little disappointed to find that they were $20 a piece and since we needed about 50 I wasn't sure we had the money to spend that. Some of the family offered to help pay for theirs but we really wanted everyone to have one. Matt reached out to Jon. He is a friend and someone Matt works with frequently to make appeal for Sure Steel. We decided to reach out to him and see what he could make them for.  I was so touched when Matt said that Jon said he would take care of having them made at no charge to us. This was something I really wanted and felt so blessed by Jon's generosity. Gracie's baptism was the only time we were all able to get together so we took advantage and grabbed a picture. Unfortunately Liam was home sleeping. When we are through all of this cancer stuff we are going to plan a party and get another picture with him in them. 

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