Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Emy's Art Walk & Graduation

Since nothing can be "normal" with COVID everyone has had to get creative and preschool art show and graduation was no exception. Ms. Syrina had a walk, ride, run thru art show. She had an open house and invited everyone to do what they felt comfortable with and so come see all the art the kids had done throughout the year. We rode our bike from The Jacksonville Campground just off the main highway. Emy was so excited to be back in her element and showing us all the cool stuff she had created.

This one is my favorite

For graduation she had us pick a time and we came individually for a special ceremony and prizes. She played the graduation music as Emy came down. We all clapped and cheered as she was presented and received her awards. Afterwards we had refreshments, took pictures, and then rode the zip line before heading back home. I was really appreciative that she chose to go the extra mile so the kids could still do all the fun things at the end of preschool.

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