Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Happy 5th Birthday Emery!

Our sweet and sassy Emy turned 5 this year! She is so excited to start kindergarten and has asked multiple times when she can got to school. I started telling her when the leave change in the fall she can go to school and that has stopped the asking 10 times a day so that's a win. She really is sweet and sassy. She is stubborn and hears what you say but then decides to do exactly what you asked her to do the majority of the time. Then a minute later she is cuddled on the couch reading or watching a show. She was so excited for her birthday and now Gracie and Hallie and getting old enough that they want to help . Because of Covid we weren't able to a big party but she didn't seem to mind. She loved her decorated balloons the girls made for her. We made a Frozen 2 cake with all her new figurines and she of coarse was surprised and thrilled.

Her preschool teacher Ms. Syrina made sure to drop off a treat and a crown for her to wear. She loves Ms. Syrina and I'm not sure if she was more excited about seeing her or the girls she brought her. She loved her Frozen 2 characters. She says they are her favorite gift.
She was so excited to wake up on her birthday and immediately wanted her picture taken. I got to take her to her 5 year checkup and that was nice to just spend some one on one time with her. 
At the doctor she was 43 in and 41 lbs 6 oz.
Emy is super smart and pick up on things quickly. She has started reading and seems to be enjoying her Upstart program. She is opinionated about what she wears and how she gets her hair done.She love unicorns and rainbows. She loves anything electronic based and would watch tv or play on the tablet all day if you would let me...so we set timers to prevent freak outs. She loves to be active. Bikes and scooters have quickly become favorites. She has also really enjoyed the pool at the club house and will swim until her hands and feet look like raisins.  She misses her friends a lot since they canceled preschool. She loves her siblings and also drives them crazy. She is creative and fun and definitely keeps life interesting.

When we got home we sat in the sunshine and drew with sidewalk chalk.
We sure love this little girl even though most days she tries out patience.

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