Saturday, October 29, 2022

Hallie's Halloween Party

 About mid October Hallie asked if she could have Halloween party. Initially I was a little hesitant because her group of friends can be so fickle with how they are getting along but we decided to give it a shot. She invited 19 friends and only one couldn't make it. It was for sure the biggest friend party we have ever had. Hallie put together a couple games and we decided to just do pizza to make it simple. They started with the saran wrap ball game. It was a hit and they all got very into it. So much that they tore a hole in the oven mit they were using.

Then they played hungry hungry hippos. They were hilarious to watch thru the window upstairs
We had pizza and then they watched the second Top Gun. I was overall really impressed and happy with how the party went. It's crazy to think that Hallie is old enough to have parties like this but Im happy we have a house and the means to have parties like these so we know where our kids are and we are getting the chance to know their friends.

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