Thursday, August 13, 2015

Framing Week 3

There have been some major changes this week and the house is really taking shape. The house is pretty much framed and now they have started the trusses.
North Side

North West Side
Getting prepped for truesses

 We  have trusses!!! North West side
 South West Side
 North East Side

 East Side
 South East Side
 South Side
 The garage west side
 I have been so grateful and humbled and the number of people that have come to help us. I have only had to go up a couple nights so that Matt wouldn't be alone. He has had some great help that has made the work go so much faster. I am so grateful to the families that have let their family come up and help. Thank you will never be enough
 South West Corner
 North West
 South West

 North West

Week 3 has come to a close. I think it is really starting to wear on Matt. He is exhausted but is pushing thru. I will be glad when he is back to just generaling the project. He said next time he will have someone else do all the I say give his 6 months and he will forget how hard it was.

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