Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lagoon with the Browers

We were excited when Tiff invited us to join them at Lagoon to celebrate Mia's birthday with the rest of the Brower clan. Matt and I decided to let Liam take his first nap before heading to drop him at Nic's so he could enjoy the a/c while we were at Lagoon so we got there about noon.

 The parking was crazy so we paid the extra to park next to the entrance gate and it was super worth it. Then we headed to the terrace to have cake and ice cream. After we did Rattlesnake rapids with everyone before splitting up since we had some smaller kids and wanted to ride different ride. Tiff decided to hang with us and we loved having them with us. All the girls were great with Mia but Hallie in particular really made sure she was taken care of. 
While the kids rode rides it gave us the chance to visit in the shade. It ended up being not super hot which was so nice. The kids rides lines were also pretty short compared to the big kid rides.

We ate snacks and continued to make our rounds thru the rides. At about 6 Tiff and Mia headed back to their cooler and called it a day with the rest of the family but Matt and I weren't ready to be done yet. Then we headed for more of the bigger kid rides after buying Emy a slushee to eat while they rode. It worked out great. I even got to take Emy on a couple smaller rides while they rode the big rides. Em was so excited to ride the gray was hilarious. Gracie was sad that there were a few rides she just wasn't quite tall enough for either but we made the best of it. The girls rode some pretty crazy ride that would have made me so sick. 
By 9pm we decided to call it a night and go get Liam. It was so nice to be able to leave him with Nic so I didn't have to worry about him being hot or tired. I was more able to focus on Matt and the girls and just have fun with them. Im so grateful to Nic for that. It was a fun day spent together making memories.

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