Friday, August 2, 2019

Pineview with the Browers & Van's Blessing

When Tiff invited us to Lagoon she asked if we would be willing to take them boating on Friday. Although it was originally supposed to just be Tiff with the rest of the family in town we ended up with everyone there. It was fun and way less overwhelming than I had anticipated. Two years ago I couldn't have even considered doing this so Im really proud of myself. Tiff, Aaron, Mia, Ris, Cooper, and Mayci along with our family were there first. We got a good beach spot and unloaded the boat. Then we headed out. Hallie is more brave when she is showing off for sure. She went out of the wake and was all over. It was fun to see her gain confidence in something I grew up enjoying so much. Matt and I have had a lot of discussion about buying a new boat but they are so expensive and we can only use they a handful of months of the year so we'll have to see what happens. Im worried if we sell the house we wont have a place to store it or be able to use it as we will be building again. 
 But about 5 we called it a day as we were all hungry and everyone was tired. On the way to the marina Grace fell asleep...poor girl was exhausted.
We enjoyed yummy dinner and played games. It was super fun
Saturday we met up for dinner at Brit's for Van's baby blessing. With Krissy's anxiety its hard for her to have both families around so they opted to do them separate. Brower's on Saturday night and her family on Sunday. At dinner we were able to discuss our Christmas plans of doing an experience over doing gifts. I LOVE this idea and have been trying to get them to do this forever. We are still looking into options but it will be fun. Tiff took this picture of our planning. 
I don't want to put a negative light on the whole weekend but I want to note that sometimes we don't always get along but I have realized there is usually one culprit in the family. It's Brit at times makes it so difficult to enjoy her or her kids. She threw a fit when she had to pay to get into the beach and made Kerry and Joy drive with her so she didn't have to pay for it. It seems so petty when Matt and I spent over $100 on gas and food for everyone for the day. Then instead of enjoying the day she plays on Facebook and takes work calls all day. On Saturday while we had dinner at her house she was gone to something else she had plans. She always ditches her kids with anyone that will take them. It makes me sad for them and for her. She's impossible and very hard to understand sometimes. I wonder if she ever realizes how much she self sabotages herself. On Sunday she didn't say a word to any of us and acted super cranky so it was kinda nice we didn't get together after. I hope someday she gets her priorities straight before its to late.
It was a fun weekend with most of the family we had great conversation and I wish they lived closer so we could do it more often.

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