Friday, June 3, 2022

First Week of Summer

 Liam following Matt around as he weed eats the yard. The girls have even been helping more with the mowing which is great because the yard is pretty big. Liam is the supervisor

The kids have been waiting for this day for months. Last year we didn't get grass until October so this has been in storage for a couple years. I think I'm just as excited as the kids to test out the hot/cold faucets that I have been dreaming about for a long time as well.
Krispy Kreme offered free donuts for the kids with good grades so we took all of their grades and cashed in on donuts. 
I love where we live and the closeness to the trails. I love these kids and the motivation they give me to do and be better
After our bike ride we had play in the water to cool down and then a few of them fell in and it wasn't so fun anymore.  But now we can laugh about it and the entire trip was fun.

I love the summer when we have no where to go and nothing to do. We are on our own schedule and can do whatever we want. Can't wait for the rest of the summer

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