Friday, July 22, 2022

Deer-2 Matt-0

 Poor Matt the time of day when he drives seems to be when all of the deer are out. This time once again on the way to work. The only difference is that its the drivers side rather than the passenger side. So we called Old School Body Shop up and had them save us a spot in their schedule. Matt took it in to have it looked at so they could order the right parts but they said it would be probably six weeks before they could get it in and have all the parts. Matt is a man of many talents so he used zip ties and duct tape to put it back together so he could drive it until they could get him in. The timing could work out great because we should be in Disneyland about that time so we will see. I may have also bought some deer whistles to deter deer from even coming near your car when your getting close to them. I guess we'll see if they work. At the end of the day I don't really care about the truck I'm just glad that Matt is safe...trucks can be fixed.

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