Friday, December 7, 2018

Liam Matthew Week 1

Our first week home was some what of a blur. Matt was working from home and helping get the girls where they needed to be. My milk came in the first day we were home and hurt worse than I ever remembered with the other girls but Liam was much happier to be getting a more substantial amount of milk while nursing and I was happy to get rid of the SNS. The pediatrician wanted me to bring him in 2 days after he was born and I decided it was against my better judgement with all the sickness going around and we just stayed home. We wrapped what was left of the gifts and just tried to soak up every minute of our own little baby Jesus. The dream I had had years earlier of holding a baby in the quiet darkness of night next to the Christmas tree had now become a reality. He is a great sleeper especially at night. He eats every 3 hours during the day and is great to stay awake without much help from me. And at night sometimes sleeps in 4-6 hours stretches...which is amazing. I made a decision early on to just pump and give him a bottle at night for a couple reasons. First, it allowed me to check my milk supply to verify I was making enough. Second, that it was way faster than nursing him so we could both get more sleep. Im also wondering at  this point why I didn't do this with my girls as well.
With the older girls at school Emy got the most time with our new addition and i can't even tell you how many times I have said...don't touch him, don't pick him up, please sanitize your hands, just look and don't touch.
This is the firts breastfeeding picture I have ever taken but there is something so peaceful about a baby nursing. I really love that he will both nurse and take a bottle but he seems so much more peaceful when he nurses. I love when his little hand reaches up looking for something to hold on to. He often finds my shirt and gently holds on to it while he eats. He is by far my slowest nurser and takes a full 20 minutes on each side and would probably go longer if I would let him so each time he eats were in about an hour process by the time he burps and we change his bum. It can be pretty overwhelming
He has quickly taken to the babywise schedule of eat, wake, sleep. He is awake for about 30 minutes after eating or 90 minutes in totally each feeding then we bundle him and back to sleep he goes. He does not sleep like a "normal" newborn which has made the adjusting that much harder because he doesn't sleep all day. 

Where he goes this girl is sure to not be far behind

It's strange the tricks your brain plays on you. It feels like he was just born yesterday but at the same time feels like he's been part of our family forever. 

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