Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas here we come

We decided to kick December off a little different this year and let the girls open their PJs on the 1st so they can enjoy them all month long since they are both Christmas themed. They also got a movie so the 1st activity for our Advent calendar was a Christmas movie night with new PJs and snacks.

They were both very excited and cooperative.
We will see how it goes but it seems to me that their gifts may be more appreciated if they don't get them all at once. Welcome bring on the snow!!!!


  1. Good to see you figured out a way to keep blogging! Love it! I agree..Last weekend was a fun weekend with our family! And I love Hallie's hair cut! Hope to see you tonight!

  2. What a great idea. I may borrow it and use it with my Landon, thanks!!
