Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Time with Daddy

Time with Matt is at times hard to come by with all he has going on. This semester especially he has an accounting class that he has to do the homework for so he always has a lot to get done. I am always amazed at home he handles all. Saturday we decided to get out and take the girls to a movie before naptime. Weber Satte had reneted out a theater in Kaysville and was giving tickets away as well as coupons for drinks and popcorn with the donation of a can of food. So while Matt was down at class the previous week he got us some tickets and treat vouchers. Nic and the kids were supposed to come with us but decided not to come so we let Hallie bring a friend. Since we put into place the schedule she has been so much better so we have made a point of saying since you have been such a good listener or being kind or whatever you can have a friend come with us to the movie. The 3 girls had a great time and were each thrilled when they got to pick their own drink and popcorn.

This semester Matt is gone on Mon, Wed, and Thurs. Its nice to have them not in a row in some ways so the girls don't have to go so long without seeing him. Last night the girls were so excited to see him. He is so great at trying to make the most of spending time with them. When he got home he played and helped get them into bed then he stayed up til 1 am to get all his school stuff done. I don't know how he does it but I sure love that he does. He is really trying to find a balance. Last night they played airplane...the girls loved it.
The anticipation of waiting for her turn almost killed Gracie 
Oh how much more time means when there is so little of it. I love my hubby and the wonderful daddy he is. But I am so excited for when he will be done with his masters next spring.

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