Saturday, December 27, 2014

Moving Day thru Christmas Eve

Saturday Dec 20 came a lot faster than I would have hoped I felt like we needed more time but that was pretty much the theme of the entire situation really. We had a 26 ft Uhaul and a 18 foot enclosed trailer. We woke up to it pouring although the chance of rain was 0%. I was really glad we had planned on the enclosed trailers. We had quite a bit of help from the ward about 15 elders and a few of their wives. Chris & Krissy also came to help. Things were loaded and the house pretty empty within an hour when Joy and Kerry got to our house. Krissy, Joy, the girls, and I headed over to the house to lay everything out before the truck arrived. Joy and Gracie went to get pizza while the rest of us stayed to get things situated. Once the truck arrived Matt assigned about 6 men to stay inside along with the girls with their shoes off and take boxes to their designated areas while everyone else brought stuff from the truck. It worked really well and kept my carpet much cleaner. The house was packed with stuff by the time the truck was empty and it had been less than 2 hours since we started. We had about another 1/2 truck load left at the house to go get so after we at pizza a small group of the guys went back for the rest and then they all called it a day. Everyone was exhausted!! Unfortunately for Matt and I our work was just starting and I really just wanted to cry. I was completely overwhelmed, exhausted, and felt yucky. We got the bedroom set up so there would at least be a place to sleep. Then our neighbor brought us dinner it was such a blessing. Real food complete with silverware and paper products so I didn't have to find anything along with drinks and dessert. I can't say enough what a blessing it was. Then we bathed the girls and got them to bed before Matt and I did more unpacking before I found a place on a couch while Matt moved boxes from place to place trying to get organized. Gracie found a quiet corner to read some stories.
Sunday Dec 21 we were planning on staying home for the day. I had made arrangements with the primary president not to be there but about 30 minutes before church started I got a call that she really needed me that she had a family emergency and would feel better if I came to help run things. So I quickly got ready and left Matt and the girls to deal with the mess that was our new home. After church it was back to unpacking and moving things around. Matt called around for some help to move things since I couldn't be as much help as I was hoping for. But everyone was busy and couldn't help. I cried and was frustrated Matt reassured me we would get everything taken care of but there was stuff everywhere and Matt needed help to move most of it. Then some of our neighbors showed up to bring us some treats and offered to help Matt it was just what I needed and by the time the sun was down our house was feeling more like a home and things were falling into place. While we were getting things all situated the girls have been fantastic at entertaining themselves. Here Gracie is painting her nails with her fingernail polish.
Mon Dec 22 The girls are adjusting well. No issues really. They still love their morning cuddles ad Im loving Hallie having no school.
Mindi was so sweet and offered to come help me get settled on Monday. She brought her kids and between hers and mine they just played while we got things done. She helped me unpack the entire basement mostly. We got the storage area all arranged and several boxes thrown away. It was such a relief to see each box become empty and find a place. By the time we finished the basement to was almost dinner time so we cleaned up and then they headed home for the night. That night Matt was able to find some help to take the remaining stuff to the storage unit so we could officially be done with moving trailers.
Tues Dec 23 After my Dr. appt Nic came to the house we all had lunch and then we got back into the unpacking and organizing. Joy stopped by and brought bar stools and some Christmas gifts. I was way excited about the bar stools and was very grateful she was so willing to give them to us. They are perfect for the girls to sit at the bar rather than standing on boxes or a step stool. After a few minutes of visiting Nic and I got back to work. We started with the upstairs bedrooms and worked our way down decorating as we went and moving the boxes down to where they would ultimately be stored it worked really well and it felt really good to see parts of the house fully completed. Once again this was a full day project but we got it done. By the time we finished it looked like a home...our home. With our stuff clean and organized. We still have alot to do but we have made huge progress in the few days we have had to move. That night we took a break and took the kids to see some lights, have some dinner, and do some last minute shopping. It was so nice to take a break and have some fun with the kids. I had so many plans this holiday season and quite a few of them got pushed to the side with the move.

Wed Dec 24 was a rough day for me after spending most of my morning fighting with centurylink to get our internet transferred  I was frustrated, tired, and alone since Matt was working. Since we were headed to Vegas on Christmas afternoon it was the only day I had left to get things wrapped up so I knew I had to get over to the house to clean and take the Christmas lights down. So I loaded up the girls, all the supplies we needed, and our remaining Christmas presents and headed to the house. It didn't take long to get the lights started while the kids played. But then once again I received a phone call from yet another person who probably had no idea they were an answer to my prayers saying they would like to come and help me with whatever I needed. It was Tiff and Ryan Wood. I let them know I was at the house taking lights down and within minutes they were there to help. Their boys played with the girls while we got things done. Ryan finished taking down the lights while Tiff and I got the house vacuumed and looked over. It went so much faster than it would if I was alone. Matt showed up just in time to help us finish and then we loaded up and headed to deliver the remaining Christmas gifts. By the time we got home I was physically and emotionally exhausted. We had made plans to have Kerry and Joy down to dinner since we wouldn't see them on Christmas. I was excited to visit and just have some downtime catching up. Gracie fell asleep on the couch while Matt and I prepped dinner which never happens this move has been exhausting to all of us. 
She and Hallie slept on the couch while the adults all had dinner. PS I love having a dining space. Then some friends of ours stopped by with some treats and stayed to played games. 
About 7:30 Gracie woke up and joined our party. About 8:30 we all called it a night and settled in for the night. But before that we continued our tradition of Christmas Eve Pjs. The girls in front of our Christmas Tree that miraculously moved really well.

 It was a nice night of not packing and prepping for Christmas. I have felt very blessed over this entire process. There has never been a time in my life I have felt to out of control busy. There weren't things I could put on the back burner everything needed my attention at once and had very quickly approaching deadlines.I felt like I was failing like at pretty much everything and didn't know what to do. I needed more help than I would ever like to admit and Im grateful for the people in my life that truly cared about us enough to make time in their busy lives to help us in som many different ways. I don't think it is ever convenient to help someone. Moving has been an eye opening experience for me. I have needed a lot of help and I feel like so many people made arrangements to be there to help me in so many different ways. I am not one to like help or to ask for help and people would just call and say I would like to come help you on a certain day at a certain time and I was so grateful for the help. 

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