Each week Im thrilled when my reminder goes off that we are one week closer to meeting this new little girl of ours. We have started some preparations but we will probably really get the ball rolling in March. We are planning on moving the girls in together which requires bunk beds and new dressers for it to work the most efficiently. We are slowly acquiring all the things we still need for this little one. The girls, especially Hallie, are getting more excited all the time. Sometimes I still forget that Im pregnant but usually that doesn't last very long. I have felt pretty good and my worrying has lessened quite a bit from early on in the pregnancy. So far I have gained 28 lbs. This is a strange thing for me since I gained about 35 with both girls total and I'm only half way there but my Dr. isn't worried she says if I start to look like Im gaining to much weight she will tell me. I try to remind myself that my body will gain what it needs for this baby to be strong and healthy and I often wonder if my UC will kick in at some point and i will need that extra weight then but I guess only time will tell. I still eat frequently but crave lots of veggies minus tomatoes, they give me horrible heartburn. I have had a few other episodes of heartburn but they have been helped a lot by a couple tums. I have started having a lot of lower abd pain and have had to wear my support belt but the one I had wasn't enough so after talking to a handful of friends with the same problem I ordered a more supportive belt that is helping a ton more and makes my days and being active a whole lot easier, I feel like my boobs are bigger than they ever have been when I have been pregnant and not nursing and my sex drive is well lets just say Matt is pretty happy with the situation(this is my 1st pregnancy this has happened) She moves around and kicks quite a bit and it is fun to be able to share that Matt and the girls now. I have started counting down rather than up and with the weather being as mild as it has been it is hard to believe it isn't spring already. I just hope that by the time she arrives in May that it isn't 100 degrees!
Hallie was very proud of this hat that they made in honor of Martin Luther King Day. I can't get enough of her sweet face.
Free weekends always seem to mean driving around looking at and for lots these days. We have it narrowed down to a few and if nothing works out with any of them I think we will take a break for a bit it just seems like anytime I see Matt all we do is try to talk about is lots and different prospects we have found during the day. I think Stoddard is still at the top of my list but nothing has happened as of yet. Since we expanded our search to Weber county we have looked at and offered on lots in Pleasant View, Farr West, and West Haven but nothing has worked out. Its pretty ridiculous really. People are under the same thought that their dirt is worth gold just as much down here as it is in Morgan county. Our real estate agent says when this is done and over with she is going to write a book about all the scenarios we have been through it is pretty crazy. Currently we are the back up offer on Stoddard and are casually looking for other options but I feel like things will work out with Stoddard although the way things are going Im not sure why but I guess we will keep trying until they tell us it is sold but if that happens I will probably be heart broken.
Until then on with the land hunt.
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