Monday, November 23, 2015

A Little Em Update

 This little girl is such a blessing in our lives. She is growing way to fast and I find myself frequently wishing time would slow down or even stop. She rarely falls asleep while being held anymore and if she does it is only for a few minutes. It makes me so sad I miss when she would cuddle and sleep her entire nap time. So when she does fall asleep I try to make the most of it
 She is such a happy and great baby. She is pretty straight forward...stick with her schedule and she is a dream She doesn't like to sleep in her car seat anymore which can make those trips to the lot a little more difficult. She will sleep but not for very long before she is awake and ready to go again. She is super smiley and loves to laugh. You can't beat her little happy squeals.

 I love to dress the girls in cute stuff on a budget and these moccasins are no exception. They range from 10-40 a pair. I found them on a deal website for 4-5 a pair. I am not usually a shoe person for babies but this is my first baby that is out of sleepers but not yet walking. She kicks her socks off and then her feet are freezing so now she has shoes to keep her toesies warm this winter.
 She has decided she loves Mickey Cubhouse. Whe it comes on she squeals and flaps her arms its pretty cute. I have found myslef watching it with her even when we are the only 2 home.
 She also loves bath time. She splashes water everywhere. I have ordered her a bath seat but it isn't here yet. Its hard to be upset when she is just so dang cute and excited about tub time. Her sweet little face in her towel after and the way she smells is unmatched. Oh I love my babies

She is doing great with solids although she does not care for carrots. She gags and dribbles them out. But she has liked squash, sweet potatoes, and pears. She hasn't slowed down on her bottle though and still drinks 6 oz every 3 hours. She has been a great sleeper lately sleeping from about 8p-9a which is so awesome especially the days I don't have to be up with Hallie. 

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