About a month ago I found a website that listed a bunch of date night oppertunities put on by Weber State through their marriage and family department. After talking to Matt we decided to sign up for a handful of them and try them. Some are free and some have a small fee. We were really excited to go to this love languages class. I had read the book a while agao and Matt and I talked about it when we first got married. To be honest the day of we were a little hesitant and wondered if it would really be fun. We decided that if it was boring we would just leave early. Cierra came to watch the kids, she is my favorite babysitter. The girls love her and she is more than capable of taking care of them, bathing them, and she is about the only babysitter my kids go to bed for really well. Matt and I decided to do something quicker for dinner and stopped at Arby's we decided to go in to eat since Matt usually eats dinner on the road on the way to school. Once we got to the class we figured out pretty quickly that it would be a really fun class. Matt and I learned what love language we are I was pretty equally spread between words of affrimation, physical touch, quality time, and service. Matt is physical touch and words of affrimation. Then they talked about each of the categories and how to stregthen our marriage through those love languages. This class just reaffirmed that Matt and I have a fabulous relationship we both do a really great job reading and knowing what the other person needs. They gave us a packet of questions to ask one another for a few minutes I really enjoyed that. Although I have known Matt for a long time I still never get old of hearing stories I never heard or learning new things I didn't know. At the end of the class the men were given the oppertunity to choose a flower for their spouse and the wives a chocolae treat for their husbands. Matt immediately got up when I asked where he was going he said he wanted to be first so he could choose the best one for me. I never get tired of how much he loves and cares for me. And I love date nights that help us to remember that we do really love each other and we are doing a great job of showing it.
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