Saturday, December 17, 2016

Norr Cabin Trip Day 3

On the 3rd morning we woke to a lot of snow. The buys spent some time clearing most of the snow off the cars and a path so we could get to the cars and the sledding hill. Although it was a chilly -8 when we woke up it was so beautiful

While we were all getting dressed for the day we had a visitor....a deer. At our front door eating the fake berry wreath off the door. Everyone was really excited and it was so fun. He even let the kids feed him so apples and carrots. He had a collar on so we assume he was someones pet or something
Here is a view from the top of the sledding hill
And here is a view of the cabin from the road
After eating breakfast we bundled up to go sledding. This day the sledding hill was slicker and even faster than the day before because the snow plow had come thru
Silly papa in the snow. He was completely in his element. He loves the snow and the outdoors
Our wood burning stove burned pretty much the entire trip which kept the boys busy chopping firewood
We also did quite a bit of coloring when we weren't outside. I was really glad I had decided to pack all of our coloring stuff

The boys finally finished and sealed their snow cave so the kids could play in it but they weren't really interested for more than a couple minutes. But the boys loved building it

This was our best attempt at a family picture while was so much fun
The hill was steep and the hike made our legs tired. It was easier to put Em in the sled than to try to carry her and the sled. Nate was so nice to help me pull her back up the hill
While we were out sledding Ez built a fire in the outside fire pit. It got so hot it melted my moms sock but she said it also kept her very warm
Once we were frozen and done sledding we headed in for hot chocolate and the fireplace. We started a movie and Kimber brought popcorn boxes for our popcorn to enjoy

We did lots of cuddling and just hanging out

And had plenty of times that we were silly
Once we got warm and ate our weight in popcorn we got out the crafts again. This one Matt and I were in charge of. We built candy trains and candy cane reindeer. Couldn't have done it without Matt we definitely needed 2 sets of hands with the hot glue gun.

Nate was so great with the kids he played with them doing just about everything. This time they played crazy eights
That night we tried to finished the other activities we had planned. Nic did a nativity story where they had to find each piece of the nativity and we talked about what it was and why they were important. 

Earlier in the day we had watched the movie the Grinch. Before hand I had put together a Grinch jeopardy game. I put Hallie in charge of it and she was way excited to play we split up into teams of Browers & Grahams vs Norrs & Irvins. There was one questions that neither team could answer so we threw it out and funny enough when we got to the end it was a that worked out nice.

After we put the kids to bed that night the couples played the "newlywed" game. It was hilarious, so fun, and interesting to learn about each of the couples. After that we called it a night. The next morning was check out and we had a lot of packing to do. We had such a fun day but by the time the sun went down we were all tired and ready for bed. 

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