Monday, July 3, 2017

Trip to Treehouse Museum

In the early spring we bought a pass to Treehouse and have had a good time getting out but still avoiding the heat. On this day I was told to be at work at 7am and when I got there they no longer needed me so I ran some errands and then had Matt meet me in Ogden with the kids so we could grab some lunch and have some fun all together. Sometimes between Matt's job and travel with my job life seems so crazy busy. Its nice to get away and do something fun
 fruit anyone
 One special thing we got to do was each child was allowed to print their own Declaration of Independence on the museums reproduction of the printing press they had back in the day

 Then they all had a turn sign it

 That night we all made our own of the kids favs
 I have to watch this little one super close because the second you aren't looking she is scheming something up

Fun day with our little family

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