Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Beautiful Weather and Grumpy Old People

The weather has seriously been amazing lately although I wish it would stay cooler for longer it is already feeling like May weather and it makes me nervous about how hot it will get sooner than later but until then we will be enjoying the outside weather as much as we can. I think we are all really going to miss having a fenced yard. I am such a paranoid mom that it makes me a nervous wreck to let them just run around and play outside unless I can see them. The other day I had opened the front and back doors so the girls could play out front while I cooked dinner. 

After about 10 minutes I could hear them visiting with what sounded like an older lady so I went out to investigate. One of the older neighbors was talking to the girls about playing the dirt. She told me she came over to "introduce herself" but really I think she was just being a bored old person with no life freaking out that the girls were playing in the dirt. She nicely told me that if the girls played in the dirt they could get in trouble. I nicely dismissed her and assured her that any mess they made we would clean up and went back to cooking dinner. I seriously hope one day Im not that anal and have so much free time on my hands that I worry about stupid stuff like that. This was just another great reminder that Im glad this is not a permanent move and sooner than later we will once again have a yard of our own where the girls can freely dig in the dirt and explore to their hearts content

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